Review "DIY" Alcohol stove.
Aventage :
* Light weight.
* Easy for do it by yourself.
* Clean & classic.
The design for improve some disadvantage point.
First are improve flame level.
And strength improved.
Material are easy to find by general used.
They are beautiful and comfortable to carry.
The best gear in short term of travel.
Good size, when compare with hand.
Start burn !!! Please be careful this step.
Waiting for lower column burn ~~~.
Flame of upper column are coming.
Blue flame are finished both lower and upper.
Lower flame will burn alcohol on upper column.
Upper flame are strong, depend on alcohol temp.
And also, the stove have strenght cause of they are not single wall.
Water will boil on around 3 minutes. (mid size pot)
History of development.
After I try to do it many time and I met some problem of normal stove (single column).
Such as weak flame, after first time used they will have some defect or destroy, etc.
So, I developed them to double wall & column alcohol stove for improve it.